Weekly News Update – Site Operating Procedures, COVID eCourses & more

Despite recent promising developments with vaccines, COVID-19 continues to have a huge impact on our lives. With this in mind, this week’s email includes the latest site operating procedures, an update on the COVID eCourse ‘Setting up and operating a safe construction site’, and more information about HS&E Tests across England, Scotland and Wales. There is also an update on how employers can benefit from the establishment of the new Customer Engagement team.

Site Operating Procedures

Following the CLC update of Site Operating Procedures (v7) last week, we have updated our supporting COVID-19 Site Safety Checklists and Forms to assist construction employers. The resources will ensure that those who are permitted and able to return to work have a clear understanding of how they can apply the new Site operating procedures in practice.

COVID eCourse Update

Over 10,000 people have already taken our FREE COVID-19 H&S course since its launch at the end of October 2020. Since then the country has entered its third lockdown and we’ve made updates to the course on a regular basis to ensure it remains relevant, including the most recent SOP guidance (v7) from the CLC.

HS&E Tests

There have been updates to the provision of HS&E Testing across all three nations. Testing remains in place in England and has resumed again in Wales, but in Scotland, updated government guidance has meant we have ceased delivery of testing. Ensure you check our Urgent Messages page for the latest information before trying to book.

The Customer Engagement Team: supporting employers and apprentices

CITB’s new Customer Engagement team, bringing together our Partnerships and Apprenticeships teams is now established and has a remit to engage with industry, partners and stakeholders on all elements of CITB’s offer, and to make sure we are continually aware of the support needed. The remit includes a focus on support to recruit and retain apprentices and to support and guide employers on the transfer to Apprenticeship Standards and the still new Digital Apprenticeship Service.

We will also continue to support employers with the claiming of Apprenticeship Grant.

If you are an employer and wish to find out more, please contact the Customer Engagement team at customerengagement@citb.co.uk

A reminder… 

CITB’s COVID-19 Urgent Messages page is refreshed regularly and includes updates on the full range of our work. You can also read the range of support measures made available to UK businesses and employees by the UK Government.

Best wishes and stay safe everyone,

Sarah Beale

Chief Executive