CITB Daily Update

Good evening,

I hope you’re keeping well under the extreme circumstances we find ourselves in.

As you know, I am issuing daily updates on CITB’s work to support the construction industry during the COVID-19 crisis. To see the support packages CITB has already introduced for employers please visit this link on our COVID-19 update page.

Today my key messages are on how employers can claim apprenticeship grants in advance and sharing signposting information for employers.

Claiming Apprenticeship Grants in Advance
As announced, CITB is making available advanced payment of apprenticeship attendance grants for apprentices in their second and third year of apprenticeship programmes (full press release here).

The payments will be available from 6 April for apprentices already receiving CITB grant support and who are currently in the second or third year of their apprenticeship for the remainder of the year.

To request the advance grant payment please register your details on the form here.

Signposting Information for Employers
UK Government and Build UK have made useful information available for employers.

To access the Government page please click here. To see Build UK’s signposting information page please click here.

Finally, a CITB Board meeting will take place this evening, we will update you with news from the meeting during this week.

CITB’s COVID-19 updates page is being refreshed daily and includes information on a range of subjects including Grants, Funding and the NCC. Please click here to view it.

To read the range of support measures made available to UK businesses and employees by the UK Government please click here.

Kind wishes,

Sarah Beale
Chief Executive